Monday, April 18, 2011

Heart Healthy Diet - Include Calcium and Magnesium for Heart Health

With a recent study implicating calcium supplementation as a risk factor in increased heart attacks in women of post-menopausal years, some confusion has been generated about how best to get adequate calcium to maintain bone and cardiovascular health.
Women have been advised to take calcium supplements for decades to maintain bone health, even though studies show that this mineral alone isn't enough to prevent bone loss and osteoporosis. With the recent study pointing out the risks of taking calcium supplements, many are questioning the safety of continuing supplementation. The study found a 30% increase of heart attacks in those taking calcium supplements. Does this have to do with an imbalance in calcium and magnesium, with excess calcium available in the blood that acts to harden the arteries causing artheroscleosis? Some think this may just be the case.
Calcium is necessary for a healthy heart, but many nutritionists say that its relationship to dietary magnesium hasn't been emphasized enough. Calcium and magnesium work in concert with each other; magnesium is both heart protective and helps with the proper absorption and metabolism of calcium.
Magnesium and calcium together keep the heart functioning, when one is missing problems occur. High blood pressure, atherosclerosis, stroke, and other heart and circulatory disorders may be directly tied to inadequate dietary mineral consumption. Dietary magnesium can be boosted by eating plenty of whole grains, nuts, and leafy green vegetables. Some vegetables such as beets and spinach can interfere with calcium absorption, so they shouldn't be eaten at the same time calcium sources are.
Nutritionists, researchers and doctors now agree that the best advice is to get calcium from dietary sources rather than supplementation. Dairy, such as cheese, yogurt, and milk are the traditional sources but many other foods are high in calcium and don't cause problems with lactose intolerance for those who are sensitive to this dairy sugar.
Non-dairy sources of calcium are sardines and canned salmon with the bones left in. White and navy beans, along with tofu produced from soybeans are also high in calcium. Oats, almonds, and cabbage are additional plant sources. Collard greens are high in calcium and so is spinach. However, keep in mind that spinach is also a source of oxalic acid that binds with calcium making it unavailable for absorption. Soybeans also contain oxalic acid and may not be a good calcium source due to this. If you enjoy foods high in oxalic acid, try drinking milk or eating a yogurt between meals when these foods aren't present.
Foods high in phosphorus can also interfere with the absorption of calcium so avoiding sodas and certain leafy greens my help increase the amount of calcium that the body can absorb from foods. The phosphorus binds more quickly to vitamin D, denying it to the calcium.
Several other factors affect calcium absorption, even with a diet rich in calcium rich foods. Magnesium, vitamin D, vitamin K, and some fat or oil are required as vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin. Calcium absorption also decreases with age. Because magnesium has been stripped from many of the refined foods we eat, many nutritionists blame a lack of adequate magnesium for the prevalence of heart disease in modern society.
Additional problems with absorption can be caused by certain medications. Heartburn medicines that block acids prevent calcium from being absorbed in the stomach. Calcium citrate is a supplement that doesn't require stomach acid for absorption, and may be a choice for those taking heartburn medications.
The best advice? Study more of this topic on your own and then with a doctor or nutritionist's help, discover how to best get the amount of calcium and magnesium you need.

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