Saturday, May 7, 2011

Does The Lemonade Diet Work? - Lemonade Weight Loss Diet

This diet has been around since the 40's as an alternative that would assist in weight loss, as well as remove toxins from the body. Hollywood's elite have been using it for years as "The Master Cleanse", but does the Lemonade Diet really work?
The main ingredients in this diet supplement pill consist of Lemonade Complex, Detoxification Complex, and Metabolic Complex. The Lemonade Complex is the core of the supplement, with its weight loss enhancing potential. The Detoxification Complex is a mixture of herbs that help the body rid itself of toxins safely and gently. The Metabolic Complex ingredients work to boost the body's metabolism to promote weight loss and burn fat. All the ingredients in the Lemonade Diet pill are natural. The manufacturers took the ingredients in "The Master Cleanse", fresh squeezed lemons, cayenne pepper, maple syrup, and distilled water, and put them in a pill. Lemons are a great detoxifier for the liver and kidneys. Cayenne pepper is known to help with the digestion, and maple syrup with its vitamins and minerals, promotes energy and good health.
Does It Work?
Removing toxins from the body is key to good health. The Lemonade Diet works because it rids the body of these nasty toxins that build up over time. This, along with a meal and exercise plan will prove that the Lemonade Diet does work.
Other Benefits.
In addition to the body eliminating built up toxins, you will notice increased energy, clearer skin, marked weight loss, better concentration, and clearer thinking. You will feel overall, much healthier. With the Lemonade Diet, you may very well lose up to 17 pounds during the first 14 days.
As with any diet or diet supplement, you should first consult your physician, especially if you have a medical condition. Although the Lemonade Diet pill is made of all natural ingredients, it would be wise to check with your doctor or pharmacist to be sure any medications you are taking will not interact negatively with this diet. If you have no health issues, then stick to the meal and exercise plan and you should be feeling like a new in no time.

Lemonade Diet was developed by an alternative medicine specialist in the 40s who sought to create a program that would remove toxins from the body and aid in weight loss.
Visit to read a FREE report and learn more about this lemonade 14 day weight loss diet!

Helpful Tips for Effective Diet Meal Plans

One of the reasons that many people often enjoy this crucial part of achieving results with weight-loss, is because of the wide variety of delicious foods that can be contained in a dieting menu.
One of the biggest mistakes that a lot of people make when they are preparing their diet meal plans is that they do not use much of a variety of items to pick from as they decide on each day's meals. A dieting menu that has very little variety can become boring and bland in a very short amount of time. It is also one of the biggest reasons why a lot of people that are trying to lose weight, end up 'cheating' on the particular dieting methods they have chosen.
The best diet meal plans are the ones that do not contain a lot of greasy and fatty foods. Instead, they contain several different varieties and types of food products that contain an adequate amount of protein, fiber and plenty of essential vitamins and minerals. When diet meal plans have a high nutritive value and contain foods that can actually assist the individual in burning fat, a person is much more likely to obtain success in their goals of losing excess weight they have gained.
Foods that have a high sugar content can give you a burst of energy, however, it is very short lived and it defeats the purpose of shedding pounds. In making sure that you balance out proteins and other nutrients contained in the foods you select, you will find that the boost in energy and your metabolism you receive will last much longer. This is an advantage that, in turn, will help a great deal in assisting your body in burning higher levels of fat.
Instead of trying to stick to the same old routine of three meals each day, when you prepare your diet meal plans for the week, try to space our about 5 or 6 meals of smaller sized portions. This technique is very effective at helping people feel full throughout the day, instead of having to wait for a long period of time in-between meals.
Are you ready to get off the diet merry-go-round? Stop all the fad diets and discover The Diet Solution. You can lose weight, burn fat and still have more energy than ever before. Visit to finally stop dieting and start living.

Diet Coke + Mentos = ...What really Happened?

Diet Coke + Mentos

Free Trial - Rachel Ray's Colon Cleanse & Acai Berry Diet - The Dynamic Duo For Weight Loss

Rachel Ray is a known cook. Her specialty is the 30 minutes recipes. Her phenomenon for dieting is simple - 'Do not diet, just live healthy.' On these lines, her recommendation to weight loss in her latest show was - the dynamic duo diet of colon cleansing & acai berry.
Incidentally, this is the hot choice for another talk show host, Oprah Winfrey as well. Rachel recently featured many medical experts on her show talking more about this duo. These were the known dermatologist Dr. Nicholas Perricone and famous cardiac surgeon Dr. Mehmet Oz. Here are the important tips she suggested by these experts on the show:
Acai berry grows on the acai palm trees in the rain forests at Brazil. It is a dark colored grape like fruit that is rated as the No. 1 Super Food by many health experts. Its key components are minerals, anti-oxidants, fibers, vitamins, etc. It reduces your stored fats, controls the appetite & detoxifies the colon & the bowel area. Before opting to go for its supplements take care of the following:
- It must be freeze dried, not spray dried.
- The berries must be treated with in 24 hours from when they are collected from the palm trees.
- Read its components carefully. Make sure it contains nothing that is allergic to you.
Colon cleansing aims to detoxify the colon & bowel area. It keeps your digestion smooth. It reduces your weight within a few weeks. But here are the points to understand prior to getting in to this diet:
- You must not take this before 18 years of age.
- You must not be pregnant.
- Go for a free trial first.
Some interesting inputs from Rachel in this diet are as follows:
- Do not eat when you are not hungry.
- Do not miss your meals.
- Drink lots of water.
- Exercise for at least 30 minutes daily.
- Eat lots of raw fruits & vegetables in the form of salads & juices.
Facts to consider before opting for Free trial -
- Opt for trails which allow at least 14 days
- The Dosage should be followed
- Make sure the acai berry supplements contain pulp only

Try the Dynamic Duo for Weight Loss & Total Body Detox !
Click Here For Free Trial ---> Acai Berry Diet
Get additional information or to request one of the FREE Acai or FREE Colon Cleanse samples.
Visit ---> Acai Berry and Colon Cleanse
FREE offers are for a limited time only so get yours today!

Diet For Non Alcoholic Fatty Liver - 10 Incredible Edibles For Maintaining Liver Health

A diet for non alcoholic fatty liver attempts to reduce fat in the liver through balance, regulation, and proper nutrition. Non alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is generally more difficult to treat than alcoholic fatty liver disease (AFL) because it can be caused and/or influenced by many different factors including, but not limited to, obesity, high fat foods, diabetes, hypertension, insulin resistance, hyperinsulinemia, and other metabolic disorders.
Because of the many different factors at play, identifying a single specific diet plan for NAFLD patients is nearly impossible. The right diet for someone with diabetes may be different from the right diet for someone without diabetes. However, conclusions can be drawn from commonalities among all patients and used to formulate diet guidelines for reducing fat in your liver.
Proper diet and nutrition are extremely important for liver health because everything you eat gets filtered through the liver before being distributed to other areas of your body. Therefore, your liver is constantly under attack from impurities in the bloodstream.
Non alcoholic fatty liver is often considered a silent disease. This is because it is often asymptomatic until it worsens into a more dangerous condition such as non alcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH), cirrhosis, or liver cancer. Therefore, prevention through eating liver healthy foods and exercising regularly is often the best way to combat the disease.
Generally speaking, a diet for reducing a fatty liver should be vitamin and mineral rich and should contain high amounts of fruits, vegetables, high fiber foods, and foods containing complex carbohydrates that can provide a slow, but steady form of energy for the body. Fat intake needs to be closely monitored and should be reduced to no more than 30% of the daily caloric intake.
Protein should generally come from lean white meats (think chicken and tuna) or from vegetable sources such as beans and lentils. Alcohol consumption should cease or be greatly reduced as should the consumption of soft drinks and high sugar fruit juices and energy drinks.
Below is a short list of 10 foods that are liver friendly for NAFLD patients.
  • Vegetables (broccoli, leaves, greens, legumes, cauliflower, carrots, tomatoes)
  • Fruits (oranges, papaya, mango, kiwi, apples, cherries)
  • Whole grain breads
  • Brown rice
  • Pasta
  • Lean white meats (chicken, turkey)
  • Salad (so long as salad dressing is low-fat, non-fat, or used sparingly)
  • Sea food (tuna, shrimp, and other fish except sardines)
  • Starch rich foods (potatoes)
  • High fiber foods (bran)
Next, now is the time to formulate the best diet for non alcoholic fatty liver: Fatty Liver Diet.
If you really want to improve your health and stop FLD from progressing to Non-alcoholic Steatohepatitis (NASH), Cirrhosis, or worse, then learn how to reduce liver fat now by visiting: Diet For Fatty Liver Disease.

The Japanese Diet - a Diet To Lose Weight, Remain Slim & Be Healthy!

For no people on earth is it more true than the Japanese, when you say, "you are what you eat". The Japanese are, by all accounts, the people with the least obesity problem, the highest longevity rate, and best health record. What are they eating?
The importance of rice
Rice is the main carbohydrate food in Japan, consumed with every meal. However, the real basis of the Japanese diet is not rice but fish, consumed at more than 70 kilos per person per year--which means 190 grams daily. This combination of rice and fish, as their staple food is far superior to the American meat and potato, the European little of this, little of that diets, and light years ahead of the Russian pork, potato and mayonnaise daily fare.
Let's see what else they eat. Miso and other soy products! Miso is a fermented soy product, and a soup is made from it that is light tasting and easy to digest. One gets all the benefits of soy from it. Also, the famous soy sauce. Japanese people, on the average consume about 200 grams of soy products daily.
So why are they so thin and so healthy?
There are a few very good reasons. One is their sparingly consumption of sugar.
Low in sugar
Japanese consume only 20 kilos of sugar per year (compared to the American 71 kilos per year). Another is the Japanese consumption of cereals (which obviously includes rice) to be 105 kilos per year (compared to the American 68 kilos per year).
The human body appears to be doing much better with natural cereals and less sugar than fried potatoes and 'sugar in everything you eat' diets. The Japanese have far less incidence of heart disease and cancer than Americans. As they eat as much meat as the Americans do (or more), and smoke more, the theory is refined sugar and stress are the two biggest contributors to destroying one's health.
Portion size
Another important factor in the Japanese diet is portion size. The portions are small.
This means they savor their food; eat slowly and enjoy it. No "scarfing" down hamburgers and fries here, and king size cola drinks.
Eating with chop sticks help, as you eat more slowly, take smaller bites and are able to appreciate what you are eating. This aids in digestion, and that is a proven fact.
There are two more factors which must be mentioned that make the Japanese diet so successful.
The first is breakfast.
The typical Japanese breakfast can (and usually includes) green tea, steamed rice, miso soup with tofu, spring onions and omelet and both raw and grilled fish.
This gives your body all it needs to start your day well. You will feel better, and such food does not add weight to your body at all. In fact, it stimulates the metabolism mechanism. You will not gain weight, and if overweight, will lose weight.
Variety Never be bored
The second factor is variety.
A typical American will have about 30 varieties of food per week. A typical European (especially southern European) will have about 45. The typical Japanese will have about 100 varieties of food per week, and will include lots of fresh fish, vegetables, fruit and a variety of meats.
There is one over-riding element here as well; the Japanese cook their foods lightly and thus are never feeling stuffed and stuffy after eating.
As you can see the diet is great and its healthy and is perfect for those wanting to lose weight and avoid illness.
For more FREE diet & health advice
for more on the japanese diet and other ways to lose weight and remain healthy. Go to our website for free articles, magazines and downloads:

A Diet For Psoriasis - Curing Psoriasis Through Your Diet

For many of us living in the modern world, we should really pay more attention to our diet. For psoriasis sufferers, this is doubly true.
It was one of the earliest lessons I learned when I started to look into how I could cure myself of this repulsive skin disease. The kind of stuff we eat these days, is it any wonder our bodies sometimes react this way?
Although there are many causes of psoriasis, including hereditary factors and allergies, one major influence on the condition of the skin is the toxins that find their way into our bodies. If the body can't get rid of these toxins through the bowels and urinary tract, it will get rid of them through the pores on your skin. This isn't good for the condition or appearance of your skin, and guess what?
You are poisoning your body with these toxins every day, through your diet!
For psoriasis sufferers, the toxins also indirectly affect your skin by suppressing the immune system. The suppressed immune system will start to malfunction, and create skin cells at a greatly increased rate. These skin cells then get pushed to the surface, where they build up until they die and shed themselves. This is what causes the scaly patches of psoriasis on your skin.
Putting together a diet for psoriasis that greatly reduced the amount of toxins I was feeding my body was my next step. I knew my body was telling me something, so I decided it was time I listened and did something about it.
For me, it was kind of like my body was making a protest at all the junk I put into it!
The first changes I made where quite simple. I started to read labels more and see what was actually in the food I was eating. I stopped buying things like ready made meals, processed meat like bacon and anything that seemed like it had too many chemicals in. I started to buy organic fruit and vegetables, as well as fresh fish and wholemeal bread.
By eating a diet with fewer chemicals, my body was able to deal with any toxins without having to get rid of them through the skin. Not only that, but it helped my immune system stabilise itself and function normally again. I began to notice a difference in the appearance on my skin within a week or so, where my psoriasis patches looked less red and angry.
To this day, I believe that just making a few small dietary changes had a significant effect on my skins appearance, and made a major contribution to becoming clear of psoriasis altogether.
Want to know more about how a diet for psoriasis can be worked into an overall treatment that will work?
The next step to becoming free of psoriasis is down to you, learn more about curing psoriasis naturally
Learn how natural cures are helping psoriasis sufferers like you today -->

Friday, May 6, 2011

Diet Coke+Mentos=Human experiment: EXTREME GRAPHIC CONTENT

Bodybuilding: Diet for Muscle Gain and Fat Loss

Bodybuilding can be defined as the pursuit of lean muscle mass. The importance of a proper diet to accomplish this goal cannot be understated. In fact, many experts argue that diet can account for up to 90% of a person's success at building their body. Fortunately, there is an easy-to-follow meal plan that works like magic to burn fat and gain muscle.
In this day and age of fad diets and trendy diets and so on, it is important to note that bodybuilding involves a lifestyle. Regular, intense and goal-oriented training sessions combined with an intelligent approach to eating will promote the development of a muscular physique that most trainees desire. What is required is discipline, patience, persistence and consistency. All of these attributes are favourable and can lead one to success in not only physique goals, but also in personal and professional pursuits.
When an individual adopts bodybuilding as a lifestyle, the physique improvements can be maintained over the long term. A steady, consistent and daily approach will prevent the agony of short-term weight loss followed by a quick regain of weight and the accompanying depression and feeling of hopelessness. Training and eating like a bodybuilder works, becomes habit-forming and eventually gives one a real sense of satisfaction and accomplishment.
We like to adhere to the KISS (keep it simple, smart guy) principle when it comes to meal plans. So let's not going to get too technical. We're just going to lay it out for you. First of all, you should eat smaller meals, 5-6 times per day, 2 ½ -3 hours apart. This will keep your metabolism going and provide your muscles (stimulated by short, intense workouts) fed with nutrients required for growth. These meals will consist of protein, carbohydrates and fats.
Proper protein intake will vary according to age, gender, goals and so on. Generally speaking, each meal should contain between 25-50 grams of protein. A rule of thumb is that a healthy male trying to promote lean muscle mass should ingest 1.5 grams of protein per pound of body weight. Therefore, if your body weight is 200 pounds, a daily intake of 300 grams of protein (6 meals with 50 grams of protein each) would be required. The key is that if you are training hard, you need protein.
Sources for protein include lean meats, fish, egg whites, low fat cottage cheese and whey protein. Avoid fatty meats and try to grill your meats and do not fry them in fat. Remember to include a protein selection at each meal.
When discussing carbohydrates, it is vital to distinguish between the different types of carbs. For this discussion we will identify 3 different types of carbs: complex carbs include potatoes, yams, bread, cereals, grains, pasta and rice; simple carbs include most fruit and veggie carbs which include most vegetables and leafy greens.
Fats are also a necessity but should come from the following sources: extra virgin olive oil, flax seed oil, nuts (almonds are best) and fish oil. The diet is very simple. For every meal, choose a portion from the protein group, the complex carb group and the veggie carb group. A good rule of thumb is that a serving size for your protein and carbs should be about the size of your fist. Have a serving of fats at 2-3 meals per day and only have simple carbs first thing in the morning at breakfast and immediately following your workout. Actually, it's critical to have a post workout shake with whey protein and a simple carb like a banana. Bring it to the gym with you and have it while the sweat is still on your body.
Now to fine tune this diet you can do this: if you are trying to increase muscle mass and not worried too much about losing fat, eat as above. However, if you wish to accelerate fat burning, do not eat complex carbs at your last 2-3 meals of the day. Lean protein (chicken breast or fish) and salads or chunky veggies (broccoli and asparagus are excellent choices) will do the trick.
Let's take this one step further. Here is a magic formula for extreme lean muscle mass and fat burning. For three days in a row, come hell or high water, only eat complex carbs first thing in the morning (a serving of oatmeal will do it) and immediately after your workout. On the fourth day, eat a ton of carbs. Actually cheat on this day. Eat whatever you want, but ensure that you eat sufficient protein and lots of complex carbs. This is the time to eat pizza, pasta, cake and so on.
This three day off, one day on carbs has produced fantastic results in many bodybuilders. We like it because any cravings we can put off until our "carb" day (which isn't really that far off in the future) and then indulge at that time. The secret is to remain strict on the low carb days. This takes planning, preparation and discipline. You can do it. Once you start to see the results you get from this carbohydrate manipulation, you will find it much easier to stick to it.
This meal plan should produce such dramatic results so quickly that your friends will be asking you what you are "on". The real secret is daily discipline. Take it one day at a time. Eat right according to the principles outlined above, manipulate your cab intake and train with intensity focusing on basic, heavy movements. This is the bodybuilding lifestyle. Engage in it and change your life, long-term and for the better.
Michael Russell
Your Independent guide to Body Building

The Amazing Smart For Life Cookie Diet

The Smart for Life Cookie Diet has provided tremendous weight loss success for thousands of people around the world and the craze looks set to break some amazing records along the way.
It was created by Dr. Sanford Siegal Started in the mid-seventies when we saw that people were failing all too often when trying to lose weight due to a variety of factors. He embarked on research to find a way for people to control their hunger throughout the day and keep a stable metabolism at all times.
As a graduate of the Ohio University in 1956 and then a practicing physician since 1957 Dr. Siegal combined cooking and his proficiency in chemistry to make his patented Smart For Life Cookies.
Dr. Siegal found that weight loss can be promoted easily for most people who suffered with hypothyroidism, a condition thought to cause trouble with the thyroid glands .This was later discovered to be the main cause for the slowdown of a person's metabolism and hence the increase in weight as a result in some individuals.
Dr. Siegal fashioned a weight loss program that consists of eating up to six cookies a day which is designed to curb hunger pangs that cause people to overeat putting on excess weight. The person is also required to eat one small meal per day of lean meat proteins and vegetables to get a full array of vitamins and minerals required to assist in weight loss regime.
The cookie diet cookies have 90 calories per 24 gram cookie and contain amounts of proteins and amino acids to assist with weight loss. So 6 cookies a day equals a total of only 540 calories (not including the light meal suggested) and limits dramatically the chances of eating too many calories. To add to all this Dr. Siegal has produced a tasty group of shakes and soups using the same dietary program of proteins and amino acids to help restrain hunger.
If you also add an exercise program to the cookie diet consisting of aerobic activities and weight bearing exercises for at least 20 minutes everyday you can expect to very quickly and seamlessly lose the excess weight you have struggled to remove with fad diets in the past.
My research has located many individuals you have been very successful in losing 60 or 70 lbs or even more in some cases over a sustained period on the cookie diet program. Overall I fully recommend Dr Siegal's cookie diet to anyone looking for an inexpensive approach to weight loss that does not require the use of pills, potions and messy products.
Even better you can find all the latest coupons at coupons-select to make great savings when purchasing the Smart for Life Cookie Diet.

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If you are considering this diet, you'll find every Cookie Diet Coupon to get the best possible deal. We hope you have enjoyed this article

Best Fat Burning Diet Plan - Lose Weight and Keep It Off With 3 Simple Tricks

One of the most common mistaken beliefs among dieters is that eating less and exercising more will automatically lead to weight loss. This is not entirely true. While a fat burning workout plan helps, this needs to be combined with a healthy and effective fat burning diet plan. Do not fall for fat burning diet pills or other gimmicks. Losing weight is a process that you have to put a lot of work into. Do not expect any quick fixes or magic bullets. However, if you put in the hard work and follow the right techniques, you can make the process much easier and much faster.
If you eat less but it's the wrong kinds of food, you still stand a chance of gaining weight. Also, even if you complete countless repetitions in your workouts and exercises but you are not performing the correct exercises that you need, then you can expect to not shed any pounds at all. Here are some fat burning diet tips that you should know about the fat burning diet plan for you:
1. There is a high-speed fat burning diet plan for you.
You will need to make your own fat loss diet plan that will comprise of the various foods and food groups that your body needs to be fit, healthy and strong. Choose the foods that are proven to burn fats fast without giving you the feelings of agitation, hunger, weakness or exhaustion. These may include eating a lot of spinach, which is an iron-enriched vegetable, and other vegetables which are known to provide fiber and protein to our bodies. But these are actually not sufficient to lose weight. You will also need some exercise to help pull off the ideal weight.
2. Yes to foods that reduce insulin levels and no to processed foods.
A great fat burning diet plan boils down to eating a lot of meat and veggies, some eggs, a lot of fruits and nuts, as well as some nutritional seeds. Practice going for the whole and natural oats, and get rid of the unprocessed and frozen foods that you are used to.
3. Choose the fruits you will eat.
Eat a lot of fruits such as mangoes which are known to provide fiber and sugar. Apples will help boost the body's metabolism and oranges will speed up the burning of your fats in no time. In case you do not know, Vitamin C has very effective fat burning enzymes which will help you lose some weight fast and easy. Fruits will also fill you up so you'll be less tempted to stock up on junk food. If you find it hard to eat so many fruits, you can try buying a juicer. You can juice fruits and vegetables that can give you a whole day's serving in one glass.
With the right fat burning diet plan, you can lose weight, look good, and feel great. Click here for a simple trick to burn fat fast. I was able to lose over 30 pounds in just weeks.

HCG Diet - Weight Loss Cure, How and When to Cheat, Intentionally Or Accidentally

What do you do, if you just have to have something extra to eat? It is always best to stick to the HCG Diet exactly, if you can. But if you must cheat, some ways are better than others. I've done the diet three times and learned a few things.
1) First of all, try not to eat anything with sugar or starch. Sugar stimulates insulin and insulin turns it into fat. In "Pounds and Inches," Dr. Simeons cautions against eating sugar or starch during the three weeks just after doing the Hcg Diet. It's a big no-no during the diet, too. If you are wanting something extra to eat, you might be tempted by a donut someone brought into work, some chocolate, etc. But, read on and I have some suggestions.
2) Second, try to stay within the diet by eating something that is on it. I'll explain more in a second. Also, there are a few other foods you may not know about that are included at some Hcg Diet clinics.
3) Third, if you do cheat, try to pay attention to how whatever you eat satisfies. How do you feel after? (This is so you can be more prepared for the next time.) It is really good if you keep a food diary of just what you eat and how you are feeling. It is one of the best things you can do, so you can check your progress. You want to be able to look back and figure out what you did right on those days that you lost more than a pound a day and when you only lost half a pound. Sometimes it is really hard to figure out.
4) If you decide you must eat something totally not on the diet, you will be in effect doing a "loading day." (I don't recommend this!) I have done it, but it means it will be at least three days before you start losing weight again. If you must do this, then save it for a very special event and try not to do it more than once during your 23 or 40 days. This is intentional and planned and best of all you can tell yourself you are taking a day off or doing a loading day. It also works if you are in a stall or plateau.
5) Consider how much going off the diet will be costing you. Add up the costs for the diet plan, the hcg, the syringes, the alcohol wipes, the bottles of sterile water, shipping costs, etc., and divide the cost by 23 or 40 days and then multiply by 3 days and you will know what it costs you financially. If you go to a clinic or doctor, there is that cost, too.
6) Then there is the psychological cost. If you have to wait 3 days to see a new weight loss, it is very discouraging. Generally, if you eat anything not on the very specific diet, you will gain the next day. You'll lose the second, but it isn't until the third that you make new headway.
7) If you are set on having a candy bar, stop and think. Could you substitute a piece of watermelon? It would beat having a chocolate bar! And it can be quite satisfying. For those who are staying strictly on the Dr. Simeons diet, don't listen to this. It's just that I found out watermelon was allowed by a few Hcg Diet clinics. Also a few more fruits and vegetables.
8) One other thing that worked for me, when I felt hungry between meals. I would roll a bite or two of left over chicken into a leaf of lettuce like a sandwich and it made a good snack. Then I would cut back on the amount of meat (chicken, fish, etc.) at the next meal.
More hints: you may find some fat free, sugar free marinades and salad dressings. I like a fat free, sugar free dressing called Maple Grove Farms Raspberry Vinaigrette, that I get at Wal-Mart.
You can make yourself an iced coffee with Stevia. It's not quite like Starbucks, but you can try that. Also you may like to take your handful of strawberries and make a smoothie to drink. Just add water, ice and Stevia in your blender. You won't even be cheating!
9) To stay on the diet, I found that eating a sliced tomato or cucumber with salt and pepper between meals really helped to keep me going and on target with the next meal. You can even broil the tomato in the oven or toaster oven with some spices. I'm not sure why it was so satisfying. It is on the diet, and the few (fat free, sugar free) calories didn't seem to hinder my losing weight.
10) One last thing. When I got sick and tired of chicken or fish, occasionally I had a scrambled egg or hard boiled egg. Dr Simeons mentions in his manuscript, "Pounds and Inches, " about eggs for those who are vegetarians. I still kept losing just the same. I cooked the scrambled egg in a little water in a non-stick pan.
If you have read my other articles, then you know how I accidentally learned about eating salads, with more than one vegetable at a meal. I misunderstood and ate salads every single day and still lost weight really fast.
Remember that when you are taking Hcg, if you eat any calories over the 500 a day, that you will gain. It is the nature of Hcg. It only works to help you lose fat when you do the very low calorie diet, called VLCD. There is a great website that helps you calculate your calories, fat, proteins, etc. called

For the very best results, I really recommend you don't cheat, but if you have to, then try to keep it within the diet. You'll be so glad you did! For more information like this, go to
Janet Sweeney is a successful Hcg Dieter, wanting to help others have success losing with the Weight Loss Cure program, made famous by Kevin Trudeau. Sign up for a FREE report on the 5 Top Tips for Starting the Hcg Diet.

Liver Detox Diet

You probably know by now that the liver is one of the most important organs in the human body. It's the body's natural filter that helps convert toxins into substances that can be discarded easily. Therefore, to have a healthy body, it is of vital importance that we keep this important organ in good condition. A healthy liver means a healthy body. One of the ways to help maintain your liver in good working condition is to go on a liver detox diet.
Since the liver is the first to receive toxins that enter the body, it has one of the highest toxin accumulations in the body. While the liver's main task is to clean the toxins and other wastes that are absorbed by the bloodstream in the body, the liver does not always able to discard hard substances such as heavy metals. Some of these toxins don't end up leaving the body and then what will
happen is that there will be a type of toxin buildup throughout the body, especially the liver. Therefore, it is more important to detox the liver than detoxification of any other body system. The objective of a liver detox diet is to cleanse the liver of all the toxic wastes that have stagnated in the liver over the years.
A liver detox diet involves a person restricting oneself to organic foods such as raw vegetables, fruits and whole grains. The 2 ingredients that the liver needs in order to function properly are water and glucose. These ingredients aid the body's system to get rid of accumulated toxins. So, drinking a lot of water helps as it helps to flush toxins out of your system. A person on a liver detox diet must avoid foods that are not liver friendly such as fried and processed foods, sugar, coffee and saturated fats.
All in all, a complete liver detoxification will help to restore functionality to the liver as well as to the rest of the body. All of the body's organs are vitally important to maintaining a healthy body, but cleansing your liver will help the most! If you're experiencing poor health, aching body, tired most of the time, go on a liver detox diet.
For more information on how to detox your body and other free detox diet, check out .
Recipes For Detox Diet

Female Body Building Diet

The main difference between a man and a woman in terms of body building is their metabolism. A woman has a harder time metabolizing fat than a man. Women also have a harder time gaining muscle than men. This is important when choosing a female body building diet to enter into.
Another crucial difference between a man and a woman are the hormones they produce. Specifically, men produce testosterone while women cannot. Testosterone is an important hormone used to increase the size of your muscles. This is the reason why men have bigger muscles than women.
Women who undergo weight training thus cannot become bulky. What a lot of female body builders do is that they take steroids, which have synthetic testosterone, together with their female body building diet. This is what makes these women muscular.
To be able to keep yourself fit, you also have to engage in an effective female body building training program. Your training program should be suited to your body building goals.
Typically, a good training program combines cardiovascular exercises, such as running on a treadmill, alternating with weight training exercises. Cardiovascular exercises help you lose fat, while weight training exercises help you build muscle. Some women can also include additional stretching and flexibility exercises to their workout.
Of course, an effective body building training program has to be combined with specialized female body building diet program to produce the best results.
Just because you exercise does not mean you can eat anything you want. The amount of calories you burn depends on your metabolism. Thus, your metabolism also dictates how much you can eat. If you eat more calories than the amount your body can burn, the calories will become stored as body fat.
Since women store fat more readily than men, a general rule for women body builders is to lessen the amount of fat and cholesterol in their female body building diets. Healthier low-fat and low-cholesterol alternatives to most foods, such as milk and yogurt, are now available for you to include in your female body building diet.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Detox Diet: Juice Fasting

Due to the highly processed foods that we consume and the polluted air that we breathe, our body accumulates toxins. The body does its best to eliminate the toxins, but ends up being stressed due to the overload. Symptoms such as chronic headaches, skin allergies, premature ageing, etc. start to manifest.
What can we do to help our ailing body? Try juice fasting, as a safe way to detox! Many studies have been done on the beneficial effects of juice fasting. We can increase our lifespan, treat bio chemical imbalances, reduce our cholesterol levels, treat allergies, acne, etc.
In juice fasting, by giving the body a rest from food and digestion, the immune system can focus on elimination of toxins, with the aid of the organs of elimination (liver, pancreas, gall bladder, kidneys, intestines, skin, etc.).
During a prolonged fast (3 plus days), the body will start to burn off and digest its own tissues by process of autolysis in a discriminate manner. It will first decompose and burn those cells and tissues, which are diseased, damaged, aged or dead (tumors, morbid cells, abscesses, excess fat deposits, etc.). The stomach shrinks and becomes less acidic. Then, certain detox symptoms are experienced eg. acne breakouts, fatigue, headaches, as the body eliminates its toxins. These symptoms should ease and we will feel a renewed sense of health and well-being!
You can juice almost any fruit and vegetables that you can eat raw. Vegetables that are good for juicing include tomatoes, cucumbers, celery and carrots.
Fruit vegetable combinations taste delicious. For example, apple and carrot juice makes a nice blend. Another nice combination is apple, celery and tomato.
For vegetable and fruit skins, peel them off especially if you suspect that they have been sprayed. If you can use organic fruits, this will be much better. Rinse off in filtered water.
How to Juice for Juice Fasting? It is recommended to dilute your juice 50/50 with water, especially if you are using fruits and the juice is too sweet. Use filtered water, if possible, for dilution.
Also, remember that you can't buy freshly prepared juice from a supermarket or any juice that comes from a packet, despite what the label on the packet says. Any juice in a carton, can or bottle has been heat treated for preservation.
Juice has to be prepared fresh! The longer the juice stays out, the less fresh raw food enzymes it will contain. This means that you either find a store that prepares it right before you drink it or you use a juicer yourself.
Be sure to get a really good juicer. Good juicers make tastier juices, faster and do a better job in the extraction process. Good juicers also clean up more easily than cheap ones.
There are in fact, many ways to go about juice fasting. The best is to consult your health practitioner about this. Be sure to let him or her know if you are suffering from any health ailments first before you embark on this detox diet!

Sandra Kim Leong owns the resource-rich site on detoxification and cleansing. She strongly believes that detoxification should be part of our regular regime. For free information, articles and news updates, please visit

Gestational Diabetes Diet Plan

Gestational diabetes is a condition brought about by high blood glucose levels that remain high during pregnancy. The health of the fetus and mother as well as the development of the fetus can be adversely affected by this form of diabetes. Although it seems as if the pregnancy causes the diabetic response in some women there have been studies done which show they may have been predisposed to diabetes as they develop type 2 diabetes later on in life. A gestational diabetes diet plan is critical to properly managing the affects of this disease.
Routine screening for gestational diabetes is recommended during the second trimester for all pregnant women to help limit the negative impacts it can have on mother and baby. If it is not controlled it can lead to pregnancy-induced hypertension, premature birth, large fetus size, congenital abnormalities, future obesity and diabetes in the infant, and other birth complications.
A gestational diabetes diet requires dietary modifications that the mother may not be used to but to control this form of diabetes it is essential. This is accomplished through individually developed dietary prescriptions based on metabolic nutrition and lifestyle requirements. Basic changes include reduced intake of simple sugars such as white table sugar and syrups.
The simple sugars are replaced with more complex carbohydrates with a balanced intake of nutrients, particularly with the carbohydrates, during the day. To make starting this type of gestational diabetes diet plan easier a registered dietician will use exchange lists to make their clients meal planning easier.
Exchange lists were first developed for diabetic meal planning but they have become a basic tool for almost all food guides and dietary recommendations.
Another system to control diabetes, carbohydrate counting, has recently begun to see more widespread use. This system allows the client to keep track of carbohydrate intake during the course of the day.
An overall gestational diabetes diet plan takes into account the physical, psychosocial, and educational requirements. For the woman with this form of diabetes reliance on her health care providers to help manage her condition is vitally important. Her registered dietician has the primary responsibility for developing and teaching her the individualized dietary plan that will work best for her. Nurses at her doctor's office and in the hospital help reinforce these dietary needs and also are responsible for teaching her how to effectively monitor blood glucose levels and administer insulin if needed. By working together the pregnant woman and her health care team can successfully manage and overcome the risks posed by gestational diabetes.
For more information about a gestational diabetes diet please visit the web site Diabetic Diet Plans by Clicking Here.

Body Cleansing Diet - Feel Better and Lose Weight

With eating habits changing, it has become difficult for everyone to maintain good health. Our fast paced life has made it difficult to have the required quantity of fresh vegetables and fruits in the daily menu. This change in food habits has caused great effect on most people.
While some are troubled with different diseases, some are gaining weight. Being overweight is a common sight that you might have noticed around yourself. Obesity can cause greater health risks which at some point in time may be dangerous to your life. Heart attacks and cancers are the two main dangerous health risks that are associated with being over-weight.
While everyone is concerned about their health, maintaining a healthy body requires you to follow some serious rules and diet charts which are sure to bring you good health and keep you away from any diseases. One way through which one can lose weight naturally and maintain good health is to follow the body cleansing diet. A body cleansing diet requires you to follow certain procedure's which will help you lose weight naturally and also at the same time cleanse your body and remove any toxins present in the body.
There are different areas which can be covered under the body cleansing diet program. These are the general diet, workouts and intake of herbal supplements. Following a planned body cleansing diet will help you lose all the excess fat content in your body which is stored in your waist line, arms and thighs region.
You will also feel refreshed and energetic when your body is cleansed. This is because when you were obese or overweight, all the energy was utilized by the body to clean the excess waste which was accumulating in your body. When you cleanse your body, all the waste contaminants in the body are washed away and the energy that is created is now utilized accordingly by the body to keep you fresh.
A body cleansing diet program is generally prepared by a dietitian, who considers your age, your health problems and other aspects which will help him plan a proper diet that will help you lose all your excess weight and wash away all the toxins that are present in the body. A usual body cleansing diet consists of eating more vegetables and fruits which are rich in vitamins, minerals and fiber which help different cleaning organs present in our body to function properly and at the level which they need to work to clean out body.
There are also a few herbal supplements available in the markets which can also help in increasing the effectiveness of the workings of the organs in your body which help clean the waste generated. You will have to follow the diet accordingly in order to notice the changes take place. Following the diet at the beginning can be a difficult task, so it is important to stick with it. Have a healthy life by cleansing your body and also at the same time lose weight naturally.
April Webster
April has worked in the Health and Wellness Industry for a number of years. She has worked at the USDA WIC Program(Women, Infant and Children) which provides nutritional advice for low income families. For the past several years she has managed an alternative health and vitamin store. She is passionate about helping people find the best information on how to achieve good health and improve their overall feeling of wellness. She writes on many health and wellness related issues. For more information about how to follow a Body Cleansing Diet please check out

The Best Diet To Reduce Weight Quickly

Doctors do prefer different types of diet to different people depending upon their body and internal structures. It is very important to follow a prescribed diet chart as guided by the doctor to get the most benefits in the weight reduction process. Most importantly the diet which would be followed should not be restraining. The meal which is to be followed should be easy and do not involve any inflexibility. It is very bad and inappreciable to starve a body for a longer period of time. Rather having a heavy diet people could consume fruit.
A regular period of time should be kept only for exercises. Exercise is the most vital thing in the weight reduction process. Most of the people also do prefer exercises rather having medicines as it is natural phenomenon. The benefits of regular exercises are countless and very effective. Regular exercise helps in proper flow of blood in to all parts of the body. Our hormones cycle can also be improved with exercise.
People who are willing to reduce their weight quickly have to avoid some of their activities. Alcohol and other antisocial drinks are a great hindrance in the process of weight reduction process. These drinks make a person to loose his senses and the person does not know every thing he does. Alcohol drinks have a huge amount to calorific value which is one of the reasons of over weight problems in the people.
According to the doctors skipping of meals is not a solution to this problem. Rather this avoiding of meals causes people to weaken their bodies. Our body requires an adequate amount of daily vitamins and minerals. These vitamins and minerals are only provided through our regular meals. So, it is not at all appreciable to avoid any of the meals. It is important to keep some of the time after each and every meal. Consumption of fruits can be proved as an advantage in the weight loss mechanism.
Before going for a type of medicine people should compulsorily consult to their doctors and trainers about that. All the medicines are not at all suited to each and every person. There are many precautions that are to be followed before following any medicine or weight reducing drugs. Some of the weight reducing pills are very strong and can affect our body in the future.
Discover where to buy the best weight loss pills and hoodia diet pills for quick weight loss.

Easy Diet Plans - Simple Secrets For A Slim, Sexy, Super New You!

Easy diet plans that can give you fantastic weight loss along with improved health aren't impossible to find if you look in the right places. It can be tough to get through the maze of constant advertising for dangerous diet pills and ridiculous liquid diet plans, especially when you're desperate for a solution to a lifelong weight problem.
Luckily we can use some easy tricks and tips from the BILLIONS of skinny Asian women around the world who manage to look fantastic even right after having a baby to find the perfect easy diet plans for our weight-loss needs.
Today I'm going to show you a diet to reduce weight that Asian women use each day to get and keep their ultra-lean figures, without working hard at the gym or eating terrible food.
Easy Diet Plans - The Skinny Asian Way
Whenever clients in my weight-loss classes ask me for suggestions for easy diet plans I always respond with programs that I know they'll be able to follow without too much trouble. It's not going to do them any good to try overly hard diets that are so difficult that they can't possibly stick to them.
And while you're not going to learn ALL of the best easy diet plans that Asian women use to burn fat and stay thin from just a single short article, you CAN pick up some tips that will allow you to get started on the road to a new you:
Tip #1: Ditch the movie popcorn and instead go with licorice.
Asian women don't stop eating fun foods whenever they need to lose weight...instead we swap out "bad" high-calorie food for tasty treats that not only help us lose the pounds but also taste great.
One such swap is movie theater popcorn, which when loaded with high-calorie butter becomes a nightmare snack that goes right to our hips. Instead go with red licorice, which has 66% fewer calories than the standard movie theater popcorn, and is made with better more natural ingredients.
Tip #2: Try A Turkey Cheeseburger Instead Of A Big Mac.
Ground beef that makes up the majority of our fast-food hamburgers is loaded with fat and calories, which can add up...especially if you opt for french fries (sub them out for a small salad instead). You definitely won't find a Big Mac on a list of easy diet plans that's for sure!
Instead try a turkey cheeseburger, which are available in the frozen section of your local market, as a delicious way to cut calories by 50% while still enjoying a great burger taste.
Tip #3: Instead of that frozen coffee drink at Starbucks go for the Iced Latte.
A latte with nonfat milk can give you that sweet caffeine burst we all crave so much, but without the 400+ calories that most frozen coffees add right to our thighs.
Better yet, try to learn how to drink and enjoy green and oolong tea for your morning booster, as the powerful antioxidants within either have been proven to directly eliminate fat around your waist. This is a simple technique most easy diet plans take advantage of, add it to your today.
What If You Still Can't Lose Weight?
If you're still struggling to get the body of your dreams, you'll need to learn one of the most powerful secret free methods that Asian women do to force fat off of their belly and thighs in less than a month...WITHOUT starving or doing crazy workouts.
This method works fast and is very simple, the full details on how to do it are in the free report here: Easy Diet Plans. I actually do it myself while relaxing on the couch watching TV, and it works amazingly well.
Click on the link and learn the trick yourself before it's gone:
Love and good health always,
Catherine Cheng - Founder, The Skinny Asian Diet

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Isabel De Los Rios' Diet Solution Program Review - Does Isabel's Diet Work?

Created by Isabel De Los Rios, The Diet Solution Program (or DSP in short) is one of the most popular diet programs nowadays. In this review we will take a look at the pros and cons of Isabel De Los Rios' Diet Solution Program and find if this weight loss program is actually for you or not.
Before we start there is one thing that you need to know about Isabel De Los Rios' Diet Solution Program:
For a limited time you can try the Diet Solution Program for 21 days and pay only 1 Dollar! In case you wonder if this system is really for you or not and want to try it with no risk at all, check the link in the bottom of this text and discover how you can try Isabel De Los Rios' program for only one buck.
Ok, so what exactly is the DSP?
The DSP as you already know was created by Isabel De Los Rios.
Isabel, a nutrition and exercise specialist with 10 years of experience, created the Diet solution program after her personal experience with her own weight struggles and her mother's severe diabetes.
Isabel De Los Rios' diet program promises an entire and all-inclusive diet program that will not only show you how to lose body fat, but also guarantees that you will increase your power, health and vitality all at the same time.
Bold claims, however is it true? What makes this diet program any different than all the other weight loss programs?
To answer these questions and find if this system is really for you lets take a look at the pros and cons of the Diet Solution Program.
The Pros Of The Diet Solution Program
The DSP Is Doctor Approved - Isabel's diet is a doctor approved program and is subsequently certified by main medical representatives. It has been extremely recommended by some specialists including Dr. Eric Serrano, the country's leading sports nutrition doctor.
The DSP is 100% Natural Program - Isabel De Los Rios' diet program uses the most recent dietary strategies which would unchain you from weakness, frustration and depression. On the same time, this weight loss program is totally natural and free from any harmful drugs.
Freedom - The Dsp is a specifically formulated dieting plan which allows you to not just eat the food of your choice but it also manages to burn your body fat when you take pleasure in your delicacies. Therefore, you are free to eat and drink as there isn't any restriction of any sort.
60 Days Money Back Guarantee - Isabel De Los Rios' diet program is backed by 60 days money back guarantee and this is a real guarantee... if you are not totally satisfied, you will receive your money back.
Isabel De Los Rios' Diet Solution Program - The Cons
You will need to end unhealthy consuming habits - If you have pretty unhealthy eating habits you'll have to cut down on a lot of the foods you may now enjoy.
Foods might cost you more - You might have to spend a little more cash on your foods as you will be encouraged to buy natural produce and change a few of the foods that you're consuming with healthier options which will cost more.
The Diet Solution Program - The Bottom Line
People who have struggled with their weight their whole life and are sick and tired of weight loss programs that simply do not work long term will find the DSP by Isabel De Los to be very useful. The Diet Solution Program meal plans, bonuses, guarantee, and limited time $1 trial offer make this program very affordable for nearly every person.
Want to know if the Diet Solution Program is really for you? Check the full review on The Diet Solution Program and discover all you have to know about this program and how you can try it for just $1!

7 Minute Diet Review - Does Jon Benson's 7 Minute Program Work?

The 7 Minute Diet is a new and popular product online in these days.
On this 7 Minute Diet review we will take a look at this program, learn about the pros and cons of it and see if this product is really for you or not.
The 7 Minute Diet Review - What Exactly Is It?
Created by Nathan Hopkings, Kelli Jennings and Jon Benson, three nutrition experts, The 7 Minute Diet is actually not a diet program at all.
Instead, this program teaches the user 21 daily habits called "Fat Burning Switches" that do not involve any traditional diet or exercise which can adopt in the everyday routine and help to reduce appetite, increase the metabolism and to burn those extra fats faster.
Each one of the "Fat Burning Switches" carries with it a very specific effect and the main idea behind the 7 Minute Diet is that the more switches you will use, the better results you are likely to have.
In addition, The creators of the 7 Minute Diet claim that not only this program can help you losing fat faster than ever before, but you can also combine the program with almost any fitness plan and to burn off up to 1000 additional calories every day.
To learn if it's really possible and to understand better if Jon Benson's program is really for you let's talk about some of the pros and cons of the product.
The 7 Minute Diet Review - The Pros And Cons
The Pros
You Can Combine The "Fat Burning Switches" With Almost Any Plan
One of the biggest advantages of this program is that it is great for anyone on almost any diet or exercise plan.
Although the fact that The 7 Minute Diet is not any kind of reduced calorie diet, low fat diet, low carbohydrate diet or a high protein diet, this program will enhance any one of these diets by causing the body to burn more calories from fat and to increase the calorie burn of any workout program as well.
The Program Is Easy To Follow And There Is No Need For Special Equipment
Another advantage of Jon Benson's 7 Minute Diet program is that it's an easy to follow program and absolutely anyone can apply the methods inside.
Moreover, you only need a few minutes each day to follow the 21 "Fat Burning Switches" and you don't need to buy special equipment or to go to expensive gyms.
8 Weeks Of Full Money Back Guarantee
The product is backed by full money back guarantee for 60 days and if you are not completely satisfied with the results of this product you can get a full refund, so actually there is no risk at all.
The Cons
Vegans Will Find Some Of The Switches To Be Useless For Them
Although the fact that this system can help you to lose fat faster with almost any fitness program, some of the "switches" inside the Jon Benson's program may not be right for vegans.
If you don't eat meat, eggs or fish then bear in mind that some of the switches will be off-limits for you.
It Takes More Than 7 Minutes
It's true that you only need a short amount of time everyday to follow the program, however it doesn't really take only 7 minutes if you take into account the time you invest for shopping and cooking.
The 7 Minute Diet Review - The Bottom Line
Overall, Jon Benson's 7 Minute Diet program is a unique product and it is very different from the traditional diet plans on the market.
The power of this program is in its simplicity and the biggest advantage of it is the fact that without major diet changes or any exercises involved, this system can help you train the body to increase his calorie-burning processes and to burn more fats everyday.
I find it a little hard to believe that you can actually burn off 1000 additional calories every day, but there is no doubt that this system can help you to enhance your current diet program and to get your desired results much faster.
I hope that this 7 Minute Diet review was helpful for you, all the best!
Are you ready to find out if the 7 Minute Diet program is really for you? Visit, get a free and in-depth report about Jon Benson's program and learn how you can get the product at the lowest price available today!

Low Carb Diet Plateau? Learn How Overeating For One Day Will Break Your Low Carb Diet Plateau

Weight loss plateaus happen when your body adapts to the dietary changes you have made and if you have reached a low carb diet plateau your body likely needs a boost to keep losing. This article shows you some things to look out for and how adding one day of overeating a week (including carbs) will get the scale moving down once more and keep it moving week after week.
First of all when considering what is behind a low carb diet plateau you must evaluate your daily habits.  Check to make sure you haven't started increasing your carbohydrate intake.  Low carb diets are effective but it is very easy to get extra carbs in foods that you wouldn't think have carbohydrates such as nuts, peanut butter and some lunch meats.  Read your labels.
If you discover that you have not been consuming more carbohydrates on a daily basis then you need to turn your attention to your metabolism.  Your metabolism is your fat burning potential and when you have been dieting for a period of time your metabolism is often the first thing to drop off.
In other words, diet too long without a break and your body adapts by decreasing your ability to burn fat which of course causes your weight loss to stall and you find yourself on a low carb diet plateau.
Ironically your metabolism rebounds when you eat more food, including carbs.  When you overeat your body senses that food is readily available and it turns up your metabolism to handle the food.
So the task is to find a way to lose while shaking your body out of its adaptation and the way to do this is to add a strategic overeating or "cheating" day to your weekly low carb diet.
By eating low carb for 6 days and then taking day 7 off and eating all of your favorite carbs, pizza, burgers with buns, fries, ice cream, etc.  Your metabolism spikes and stays elevated for the rest of the week giving you the benefits of an efficient fat burning potential.
I do understand the concern that you will gain weight from this method but what happens is that you will gain some water weight due to the fact that the carbs you eat will retain water but the spike you get in your metabolism happens faster than your body is able to produce fat so you end up losing weight by the end of the week and consistently week after week.
If you have hit a low carb diet plateau you need to give your body a change and by overeating one day a week you will boost your metabolism and start dropping pounds again.
If you are interested in learning how to use a Cheat Day to boost your weight loss, then check out Cheat Your Way Thin here you will find before and after pictures and links to the official site where you can learn about the eating strategies talked about in this article.
Dr. Becky Gillaspy is a Doctor of Chiropractic, Certified Wellness Coach and Author helping clients reach and exceed their weight loss and fitness goals.

What's the Best Diet For Men?

So much of the dieting advice out there seems like it's aimed at women doesn't it? But what about men. What's the best diet for men? If you're reading this then I assume you are a man with a weight problem and you are looking for the diet that's right for you. The one that can help you lose weight fast and one that you can stick with until you reach your goal weight.
Follow these recommendations when choosing your diet plan:
It's recommended that you choose a diet plan that you can download online instantly. This is the 21st century and there's no reason you should be waiting around when you can be getting started with your new diet plan immediately. The best diet plans these days are found online.
It's recommended that you choose a diet plan which is focused on the foods you should be eating ("green light foods") rather than the foods you shouldn't be eating or on how little you should be eating. This will help you to develop good eating habits rather than just trying to starve the pounds off.
It's recommend that you choose a diet plan that includes a built in "day off." Why? Because a "day off" is a great advantage to your weight loss both physically and psychologically. First of all, a regular day off will give your body a needed "calorie spike" which will help to keep your metabolism boosted so that you burn fat faster. And secondly, that regular day off will allow you to eat whatever you want on a regular basis which will make it easier for you to deal with any cravings you may have on your other dieting days. Just remember that on your "day off" you'll be able to eat it! Save all of your cheating for that one day. This will bring you great success.
CLICK HERE: DIET FOR MEN. The Day Off Diet is the best diet for men as it satisfies every criteria you should be looking for in a diet.

Cayenne Pepper And Water Diet - Fad or Fiction?

Have you heard of the cayenne pepper and water diet? Controversy has recently surrounded the so-called cayenne pepper and water diet, primarily due to it's association with Beyonce Knowles who apparently lost 20 pounds during filming for the movie "Dreamgirls" living only on cayenne pepper and water. The facts are not in dispute, the actress did apparently lose weight quickly over a short period and there is no reason to dispute how this was achieved.
However the question that must be asked is can this be called a "diet"? Some would say that what Beyonce Knowles did was simply starve herself of food, surviving solely on liquids. Surely the cayenne pepper had no noticeable effects other than perhaps adding a little taste to the water?
It should perhaps be noted that there are certainly recorded health benefits associated with cayenne pepper, including aiding digestion, strengthening of the heart, claims it contains mild pain relieving qualities, and there are even reports of using cayenne as a dressing for wounds.
Even taking these reported benefits into account, can this cayenne pepper and water diet really be called a diet? It should more properly be seen as a purely starvation exercise undertaken by a committed actor wishing to lose weight quickly in pursuit of her art and career, presumably with the safety net afforded to highly paid and closely monitored movie stars. Presumably she will have been surrounded by assistants and helpers who would have been immediately on hand had Beyonce suffered from any starvation effects or ill health.
The danger in this story as with other fad diets is that impressionable people, young girls in particular, will have heard about this seemingly miraculous cayenne pepper and water diet and will wish to try it themselves, without any regard to the obvious and significant health dangers inherent in starving yourself in such a way. In particular this form of dieting could be very damaging if sustained for any length of time, any form of fasting should be carefully monitored for signs of deteriorating health.
It should also be said that this story and the controversy it has created are not the fault of Beyonce Knowles, rather it is created by media hype attempting to profit from the possibility others may try and follow her example. In recent times other actors have been required to lose weight quickly for their future roles, for example Christian Bale in the movie The Machinist. The actor dropped his weight to a dangerously low level by reportedly eating a single apple and a tin of tuna every day, but this did not become the "apple and tuna" fad diet, probably because Christian Bale does not have the same widespread fashionable image as Beyonce.
So in conclusion is this really a Diet? I would suggest not, with the hype surrounding it currently it could be categorized as a fad, and potentially a dangerous one. The only safe way to permanently lose weight is to eat healthy food, eat in moderation, and crucially undertake regular exercise. If you do this you will burn excess fat, your arteries will stay clear and healthy and you won't risk damaging your body by starving it of the food it needs to stay fit and healthy.
For more information and analysis visit

Fat Loss Diet Plan - A Highly Effective Weight Loss Diet For the Seriously Fat Person

You must have heard umpteen times that a fat loss diet should consist of food that is low in carbohydrates, fatty substances, and calories. You must have already tried out all these diet plans without any effect. Are you wondering that all the fat loss diet plans are a big hoax and none of them are effective? Do you think it is impossible to lose weight by following any of these much hyped fat loss diet plans? Unfortunately, you are right! Many of the fat loss diet plans are over hyped and they are not effective in reality. But do not be discouraged because here is a completely new fat loss diet plan that guarantees weight loss in about eleven days. Moreover, this weight loss program is reasonably priced in comparison to many of the diet plans that are being popularly offered online.
The Fat Loss Diet plan according to the Fat Loss 4 Idiots crew is specifically formulated after studying the effects of all other weight loss diet plans and identifying their loopholes. This diet plan is formulated after specifically reaching down to the roots of the fat burning mechanism of the body. This diet plan is different because unlike other plans that focus only on the food that is consumed, it deals with the behavior of the digestive mechanism of the human body after the food is taken. According to this diet plan it does not really matter whether you take more of carbohydrates or fats. What actually matters is taking the right food in the right intervals of time and following the right pattern. In fact you should be eating three times more than you usually do according to this diet plan. Now that is something that comes as a surprise to you, isn't it?
Let us reason out why by reducing the carbohydrate or fat intake you do not actually lose much weight. Normally, your body is used to burning a certain amount of calories. If you reduce the number, it will detect the change and adjust itself to the new amount of calories. It will start burning lesser amount of calories and deposit the rest in your body. This in turn does not reduce your weight. The same principle works for burning fat also. The Fat Loss 4 Idiots technique works by manipulating the fat burning hormones secretion.
They enhance the secretion of the fat burning hormones and decrease the secretion of the fat storage hormones. Because of this most of the calories are burnt easily and fast. There is another technique that the Fat Loss 4 Idiots diet plan utilizes called calorie shifting which has been scientifically designed to confuse the human body about the amount of calories that are a person consumes. The weight loss enthusiasts are expected to eat varying amounts of calories in a special way.
The Fat Loss Diet plan from Fat Loss 4 Idiots is a unique, scientifically designed weight loss diet plan that is sure to work for you even if you are seriously very fat. According to Fat Loss 4 Idiots Review it is the best online fat loss program that is completely safe. Join now and see the difference in less than two weeks!

3 Day Diet to Lose 10 Pounds

The 3 day diet is a fad diet i.e., a weight loss diet that had gained quick popularity, but in a while whose popularity had faded away. It had been a well known diet of 1985. The 3 day diet is a regimented diet plan that is still in existence in texts and is practiced by some in order to have a fast weight loss, reduced cholesterol level, cleansing, and boosted energy levels. It is purely a diet plan which doesn't recommend any form of exercising along with the diet.
The 3 day diet is often incorrectly referred to as The Cleveland Clinic Diet. This diet plan has to be followed for precisely three consecutive days' duration. This has to be succeeded by a normal diet for the next four to five days, after which the 3 Day Diet plan has to be opted for again. Those who follow the 3 Day Diet plan are assured to lose a weight of up to 10 pounds in just three day's time. If this diet regime is followed for a month's duration, one can lose up to 40 pounds in 30 days. However, it is a matter of fact that the weight lost due to the 3 Day Diet is most likely the liquid weight and not the fat weight.
A strict diet of the specified foods in the exact specified proportions must be had when one follows the 3 Day Diet. Overeating and under eating of the amounts specified will deprive the dieter off the benefits of the 3 Day Diet.
Given below is the 3 Day Diet Meal Plan
For the first day
  1. Breakfast: Take a cup of black tea or black coffee, a single slice of toast with 2 tablespoons of peanut butter, and half a grape fruit.
  2. Lunch: Take a slice of toast and half a cup of tuna.
  3. Dinner: Take two slices or about three ounces of any kind of lean meat. A cup of beets, a cup of string beans, an apple (a small one), and a cup of vanilla ice cream (regular size).
For the second day
  1. Breakfast: Take an egg, half a banana, a slice of toast, and a cup of black tea or black coffee.
  2. Lunch: Take half a cup of tuna or cottage cheese, and five numbers of regular saltine crackers.
  3. Dinner: Take two slices of beef, a cup of cabbage or broccoli, half a banana, half cup of carrots, and half a cup of vanilla ice cream (regular size).
For the third day
  1. Breakfast: Take a cup of black tea or black coffee, Five pieces of regular saltine crackers, an apple, and an ounce of cheddar cheese.
  2. Lunch: Take a cup of black tea or black coffee, a boiled egg, a slice of toast.
  3. Dinner: Take a cup of tuna, a cup of cauliflower, a cup of carrots, a cup of melon, and half a cup of regular vanilla ice cream.
Dieters, who consume the 3 Day Diet, along with the prescribed foods, take more than 9 glasses of water or any other non caloric drink. No substitutes can be used for any kind of food in this diet. No seasonings and flavourings are allowed. However, one may include salt and pepper as per taste.
The magic force behind
Wondering on how this diet regime helps you lose so much weight with in such a short period? There is no written record of the way the 3 Day Diet works in system cleansing, burning fat, enhancing energy levels, and lowers cholesterol. However, the way it works in weight loss is supposed to be as below.
This unique blend of the foods specified works magically to create a particular kind of metabolic reaction in your body. Certain type of chemicals in these foods, are believed to enhance your metabolism, and burns fat at an increased rate than what is burnt normally.
The returning back to the normal diet style after these 3 days of dieting is to prevent your system from slowing down its metabolism, getting back from storing fat, and keep you from going hungry. As long as you alternate this 3 Day Diet with 4 to 5 days of normal diet, you can make innumerable days of such kind of dieting.
The disadvantages of the 3 Day Diet plan
  • The diet is very low in carbohydrates. Since carbohydrates are responsible for retaining water, the loss in weight initially is due to the cut off in carbohydrates from your diet. So, once you get back to your normal eating habits, you tend to gain back the weight lost.
  • The diet does not offer you the nutrition that your body needs.
  • The diet is very monotonous because of which the dieters tend to love their old eating habits better, and thus get back to it once again. So in most cases the resolution to lose weight is left at half way through.
  • The belief that that the 3 Day Diet works because of a unique metabolic reaction is not based on any strong foundation.
  • Weight loss achieved is also due to severity in calorie restriction which is not good for your health.
  • Since this diet involves cutting off lots of calories, it would need that you take off from work on these three days.
  • If you are in to a regular exercising scheduled, you need to restrict your exercising to the minimum possible extent as you will be experiencing lower energy levels. And this may make you get off the tract, and getting back to your usual routine may be difficult.
  • The rapid weight loss is not a permanent one, and you are likely to get back the weight lost soon.
  • The fad diet may get your body into a starvation mode.
Although the diet plan advices a strict food regime, it is better to drop it if you feel very lightheaded, or overly tired. Take good care of yourself.
Award Winning Weight Loss Program
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Easy and Inexpensive Diet Detox Suggestions

Detoxing your body is just one way to rejuvenate and heal your body. And in hopes to achieve a healthier lifestyle, many people are following a diet detox or two. Many celebrities have talked about their own detox diet, and these celebrities made it sound expensive that only rich people can afford. This is why many don't give this another thought, more so don't think that it's a considerable way to feel and look better. There are tons of wrong ways to diet, this is true as well with detox. Here's some easy and inexpensive diet detox suggestions that you can follow.
Warm water with apple cider vinegar every morning. Drinking a glass of warm water with apple cider vinegar in the morning is highly recommended to those who are in a high protein diet or those who are a heavy meat eater. The formula is rich in minerals and vitamins and can break down fat and cleanses toxins out your body. You may also want to add a few teaspoons of honey or lemon depending on your taste preference.
All pure natural foods in one or two weeks straight. This has been the crowd's favorite. Many people would rather take this diet detox because they do not have to do it everyday. All they need to do is to have a strict fresh fruits, vegetables, non-carbonated and non-caffeine diet in a week or two. Other people wait until their body react, so it could be less than a week or more than a month for some. To save money and be more practical, others do it with a partner. This way either of them can prep the pact in a particular day within the diet detox period.
There are many special diet detox formula that you can try. But before you try any, reading reviews and testimonials from people who have used them will surely pay. Do your own research to find out which formula can actually work with your budget and time.
It's also recommended to start your diet detox on a weekend... if necessary, take some time off from work. This is because you might experience headache or might spend first few days in and out your bathroom... depending on how your body will react to the new diet. Just a little sacrifice, I'm sure you're willing to give, for a greater and healthier lifestyle.
Diet detox can have a very positive impact on your health. But if you've never done a body detox before, learning how to detox your body safely and healthily before you try any kind of detox diet is important. You can find more information about the top bowel cleansers at

Healthy Diet Tips For Effective Weight Loss

These days, people who are raring to lose weight are always on the lookout for effective healthy diet tips which they can use as guidelines toward achieving visible results. For the most part, it is necessary to know what important components should be present in a diet and fitness routine and how one can effectively follow the necessary steps in order to get desirable results. The following are some healthy diet tips for effective weight loss.
Allow Your Body to Adjust Well to a Diet Program
Many people make it a point to push their body too much too soon which often leads to extreme cravings as well as manifestations of extreme weakness and distress. If you plan to take on a very challenging diet plan such as a low fat, high protein program, make certain that you allow an appropriate amount of time for the body to get used to the new way you consume food. A concrete example is giving up junk foods first when starting a low calorie plan. The next steps would be foregoing take-out food and eating healthy home cooked meals, in that order.
Never Neglect Fresh Fruits and Vegetables
Very few people are fond of eating leafy greens and fresh fruits instead of chips. However, you can get used to this particular habit by changing certain aspects of daily meals gradually. For instance, it is easier to get used to fruits if you make them substitutes for pancakes and bacon in the morning. You will still feel extremely full by eating a bowl of fresh berries and non-fat yogurt but without the unnecessary calories.
If you are on a cardiovascular exercise regimen, you can also increase fruit intake by drinking more smoothies after working out. This way, you get to enjoy a sweet and cold treat without going over your calorie intake limit for the day.
Do Not Change Diets too Often
It can be frustrating not to see results after a considerable period. However, it would be imprudent to change diet plans too often, especially since not all bodies react to all diets the same way. Give a program at least 6-8 weeks to yield results before you shift to another one just to give your body a fair chance to adjust and react properly.
These healthy diet tips, if followed correctly and religiously, can very well change the way you look at dieting. Sometimes limiting food consumption is not enough to get the results you want so it would help to know other factors that can improve the effects of the diet you are currently on or the one you plan to follow.
Are you having a hard time losing weight? Be sure to visit my site for tips on healthy weight loss and weight loss help for women.