Tuesday, May 3, 2011

What You Should Know About the Pre Diabetes Diet

A healthy pre diabetes diet is intended to prevent this condition from developing into adult-onset, type 2 diabetes. There is also strong evidence indicating that a healthy diet can return blood glucose levels in a person with this condition to normal levels.
The primary objective in changing what and how an individual with the condition eats may generally be seen as lowering total body weight by between 5 and 10 percent. In order to achieve this, sugars, fats, simple carbohydrates and concentrated calories should be avoided. Coupled with moderate and regular exercise, this is a very treatable condition.
Some examples of processed simple carbohydrates that should be removed from a pre diabetes diet include candy, cakes, jams, pastries, honey and soft drinks, to name just a few. These simple carbohydrates offer the body very little sustenance, but represent a lot of calories, contributing to weight gain.
Natural simple carbohydrates that have not been processed, like fruits and non-starchy complex carbohydrates, are integral parts of the diet, and should be eaten regularly. Leafy vegetables like spinach, lettuce, arugula and kale are very good options, as are broccoli, cauliflower, artichokes, onions, carrots, radishes and celery. These foods and foods like dried beans and lentils contribute a good deal of fiber, allowing for better digestion and more balanced energy throughout the day. Oats, oatmeal, cereals, rice, quinoa and couscous are other good choices.
Low-fat or no-fat dairy products are ideal, like skim milk and light cheeses and yogurts. Avoid solid fats, like butter and lard, for cooking and instead use liquid oils like olive oil or vegetable oil. When choosing meats, be sure to select lean cuts that are very low in fat. Any cut that ends in "loin" is generally a safe bet - pork loin or sirloin are examples.
When eating poultry, ensure that you either purchase skinless or remove the skin during preparation. Also, keep in mind that white meat chicken (breast and wings) has lower fat content than the darker meat (thighs and drumsticks). Make an effort to include fish and seafood in your meals at least 3 times a week. Salmon, trout, scallops, halibut and cod are readily available examples of healthy fish options. Junk foods and desserts, in general, should be avoided when possible as they are tremendously high in calories and do not provide sustenance or adequate nutrition per calorie.
A strong pre diabetes diet informed by the guidelines above, in partnership with a regular aerobic exercise schedule, will lead to greater physical fitness, safe weight loss and may, with consistency over time, contribute to healthier and potentially stabilized blood glucose levels.
Have you been diagnosed with pre diabetes? If so, be sure to visit my site to learn about the benefits of the pre diabetes diet: http://www.prediabetesdiet.net

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