Friday, May 13, 2011

Best Diet to Gain Muscle So You Can Pack On More Muscle In Less Time

Do you want to know the best diet to gain muscle so you can supercharge your efforts? People often spend hours in the gym and work hard, but forget that what they eat is critical to get in shape. Some are mislead by the idea that eating will negate their workout efforts, while others are uncertain of what is the best diet to gain muscle mass. Without food, you can not bulk up. Proper diet dictates the muscle mass of the body. If you eat right, you'll be well on your way to sculpting the body of your dreams. Diet and exercise are equally important and you can't get ripped without both elements in place.
A diet to gain muscle varies from one individual to another. If a person is overweight, use fat loss diets first before attempting to build muscle mass. On the other hand, if a person is not overweight, consume enough calories so the body can gain muscle. Three basic elements are required to be present in human body. These are proteins, carbohydrates, and fats.
High protein diet has been known as one of the best ingredients to include in your diet to gain muscle mass. It is used by people wishing to build their muscles fast. The human body, indeed, needs a lot of protein. Protein is a nutrient needed by the body for growth and maintenance. Aside from this, it also plays an important role in response to exercise. The building blocks of proteins called amino acids are used in building and repairing tissues including muscles. Protein-rich foods are best eaten during breakfast and at night before going to bed. This allows the body to recover and to repair itself while at rest. It is also ideal to have protein at every meal. A gram of protein per pound of body weight is the most recommended protein intake for healthy adults. High protein foods include chicken breasts, turkey breasts, lean meats and beef, fish, eggs, beans, nuts, and milk.
Carbohydrates, also known as carbs, are also an essential element in your diet to gain muscle mass. These carbs break down into blood sugar which is needed by the body as a source of energy. In the absence of carbs in the body, the system will not produce insulin required to transport dietary protein to the muscles for growth. In other words, carbohydrates and protein should work together. Foods rich in carbohydrates include potatoes, oatmeal, beans, any green leafy vegetable, bread, pasta, and cereals. Additionally, one cannot gain muscle without eating some fats as well. Some people even consider it a necessary evil in the body. It should not be eliminated in the diet to gain muscle mass as it plays a role in hormone production, responsible for growth and strength, and prevents muscle breakdown. Fats include butter, bacon, heavy cream, olive oil, sunflower oil, safflower oil, flaxseed oil, walnuts and avocados.
Reducing the meal size and increasing the meal frequency will help the body absorb all the calories ingested. Of course, water must be included in your diet to gain muscle. Drinking a sufficient amount of fluids will help remove toxins from the body and keep it hydrated.

Implement these tips in your diet to gain muscle and you'll start seeing results. To really supercharge your results, check out this free report that helped me pack on loads of muscle mass in just weeks.

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