Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Anti Cellulite Diet - Minimizing the Appearance of Cellulite

Anti-cellulite diet Products that are recommended: Vegetables (preferably fresh or cooked), Fruit (fresh or fruit juices), Salads (seasoned with pure vegetable oil and vinegar or lemon juice), vegetable juices (fresh), Eggs (boiled or fried in vegetable oil), Yogurt (can be done with extra fruit or muesli), Milk (skimmed), Meat, fish, animal meat (boiled or grilled without fat and skin), 8-10 glasses of water a day (1.5 to 2 liters), dried beer yeast (two teaspoons in fruit juice 15 minutes after eating)

Example of a weekly menu:

1st Day: Breakfast: yogurt or sour milk, cow's cheese, black bread, snack: fruit or juice, Lunch: vegetables and potato salad with roasted fish, black bread, snack: Fruit or fruit juice, Dinner: cooked vegetables, meat, salad, bread

2nd Day: Breakfast: milk, muesli, snack: ice cream, Lunch: meat with cabbage, beets, bread, snack: white coffee, Dinner: cooked vegetables, meat, salad, b. bread

3rd Day: Breakfast: juice, carrots, b. bread, snack: sunflower seeds, Lunch: cauliflower, chicken, salad, black bread, snack: fruit or fruit juice, Dinner: yogurt, cow's cheese, salad, black b.

4th Day: Breakfast: milk, muesli, Lunch: Beef broth, carrots and boiled potatoes, salad, black bread, lunch: vegetable juice, Dinner: black bread, margarine, jam, tea

5th Day: Breakfast: milk, margarine, jam, black- bread, snack: fruit, Lunch: peas, salad, black bread, snack: fruit juice or vegetable, Dinner: cooked vegetables, fish, salad, black-bread

6th Day: Breakfast: juice, fruit or vegetables, grilled bread, cow cheese, snack: fruit salad, Lunch: plunge soy, spinach with potatoes, salad, bl. bread, snack: pancake, Dinner: cooked vegetables, meat, salad, black b.

7th Day: Breakfast: milk, cheese, black b., lunch: salad of tomatoes or tomato juice, Lunch: Liver, mashed potatoes, salad, snack: pancake, Dinner: cooked vegetables, meat, salad, b. bread
Tips: Do not eat fast;, always eat at the same time, so the stomach works best;, You alone can make daily or weekly menus, of course with products that are recommended in this diet;, massage the areas with cellulite;, training;, Swimming;, walk in nature Avoid: sausages, salami, snacks, fatty and salty cheeses, fried foods, carbonated beverages, cream, frankfurters, ready-made soups, spices and spicy foods, lots of coffee.
Note: before using any diet, it is best to consult your doctor.

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