Sunday, April 24, 2011

4 Weight Loss Diet Myths Busted! Find Out A More Practical Way To Get In Great Shape Guaranteed!

During my journey to lose weight and get in shape, I came across many weight loss diet myths. It's unfortunate at the time that I didn't know they were nothing more than myths! Here are 4 of those myths I came across:
1. You Have To Reduce Carbs - Reducing carbohydrates is one of the most popular methods for people wanting to get in shape. Now, although it is important to reduce bad carbs (foods loaded with sugar), it is strongly recommended that you avoid reducing good carbs (foods high in fiber). If your reduce good carbs too much, this will make it more difficult for you to lose weight, this will cause problems with your digestive system, and so much more.
2. You Have To Reduce Fats - Another popular tactic people go for. Now yes, you should certainly reduce your saturated fat intake, and you definitely want to ELIMINATE your trans fat intake! However, you must get a moderate amount of good fats (monounsaturated, polyunsaturated, and omega fatty acids) in your diet to help you with not just losing weight and burning off fat, but also to improve your total health.
3. You Have To Starve Yourself - Please don't think that in order to lose a lot of weight that it is as simple as just reducing your calorie intake significantly. Doing this (believe it or not) will actually cause you to GAIN WEIGHT! The reason why is because once you starve yourself, you are slowing your metabolism down. Then, once you start eating normally again, whatever calories you eat, will be stored... AS BODY FAT!
4. You Must Detoxify Your Body... AND THAT'S IT! This is a popular diet... especially among celebrities. And since celebrities do it, most people try to follow! My friend, yes, it is important that you naturally detoxify your body, but just simply drinking some lemonade concoction all day without eating anything is asking for some serious consequences! Naturally detoxify your body simply by eating more raw veggies, getting fiber in your diet, getting more antioxidants, and drinking more water... and DEFINITELY make sure you still eat normal foods.

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